
Showing posts from April, 2018

What you need to know about OM5 MM Fiber

What is the standard for OM5 fiber? Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) initiated a workgroup in October 2014 to develop guidance for a wide band multimode fiber (WBMMF) 50/125 μm standard to support short wavelength division multiplexing (SWDM) transmission. The TIA-492AAAE Standard was published in June 2016.The IEC WB MMF standard is anticipated to be completed by early 2017. What is SWDM? SWDM is abbreviated from Short Wavelength Division Multiplexing. SWDM is a proprietary wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology that uses four wavelengths across the 850nm to 940nm range. The SWDM transceivers were designed to use 2-fiber connectivity into the transceiver with OM3/OM4 and latest OM5 fiber. Why OM5 with better performance than OM3/OM4 fiber in SWDM technology? OM3, OM4, OM5 are support SWDM transceivers. By using SWDM transceivers with the new OM5 wideband multimode fiber standardized by the TIA TR-42 Subcommittee, the supported 40G and 100G